Chef Alexander on INSTAGRAM


CHEF ALEXANDER is HEATING IT UP…not only in the kitchen but on INSTAGRAM.  If you aren’t a FOLLOWER yet of #CARPEVINOAUBURN…swipe right and download the APP.  Every week CV will be posting PULITZER PRIZE QUALITY IMAGES (okay maybe a stretch) of some of the new dishes, classic dishes, fun ingredients and/or whatever comes to MIND.  If your MOUTH ISN’T WATERING yet…then in true #CARPEVINOAUBURN fashion…we will find something down the road that does!

COMING UP NEXT WEEK is our newest installment of our PRIX-FIXE series called “At the Crossroads of Culture” inspired by the cuisine of the HOLY LAND.  FOLKS…this dinner is going to be LEGIT…definitely one of the MOST CHALLENGING but EXCITING meals to be prepared by Chef Alexander!  Everything from the planning of the menu, SPECIAL ORDERING ingredients to execution of plating takes an INCREDIBLE TEAM & LEADER in that CV Kitchen.  This will be ONE FOR THE AGES and I hope you will take the time to enjoy it with us!


Tonight's Menu

At the Crossroads of Culture

Any Tables?

Drew, gary & the CV Crew