Eric & Courtney Wow Sac with Four Grilled Lambs


Now this is a man’s grill: Eric and four lambs from
the family’s farm

Carpe Vino’s finest took their talents on the road late last month, showcasing their culinary skills and the bounty of their Placer County farm.  Chef Eric Alexander and Pastry Chef Courtney McDonald grilled four lambs raised on their farm at a charity gala benefitting Sacramento’s Food Literacy Center, a non-profit with the goal of helping people “improve their knowledge, attitude and behavior towards real food.”

Dubbed “The Dinner at the Overlook,” the event was held on September 28th, the same evening as the Tower Bridge dinner for 700+ people sponsored by Farm to Fork Week.  The “covert” and sold-out Overlook event for 120 foodies was ramrodded by Carpe Vino regular Peg Tomlinson-Poswall, who used her long experience in the Sacramento food scene to reel in chefs to produce the dinner.

The location was a secret, but participants rallied for a reception at the Sixth Street Bridge and H Street before moving on to the old Sacramento railroad yard that had been transformed into an elegant dining venue.

The four lambs raised on Eric and Courtney’s farm were processed in Davis just before the dinner.  Grilled outdoors, the dish was the hit of the evening which raised a substantial sum for the non-profit.