If You Just Can’t Make it to the Famers’ Market. . .
. . .then visit Carpe Vino all this week when Placer farmers are in da house.
As many readers are aware, Chef Alexander sources as much produce and meat products locally as he is able. We take great pride in participating in the sustainable food chain of Placer County, and that means the Chef visits the market virtually every week. And he’d better, because our former co-chef, Courtney McDonald, manages the Auburn market every Saturday.
A different farmer will be joining us for dinner each night, Tuesday through Thursday, and everyone will be delighted to chat with their fellow diners about their farms and what is currently in season. So, don’t be bashful!
Here’s the schedule:
Tuesday: Lisa and Steve Pilz of Pilz Produce. . .featuring watermelon on our menu.
Wednesday: Dan Macon of Flying Mule Farm. . .featuring Argentinian sausage.
Thursday: Eric Hansen of Pine Hill Orchard. . .featuring peaches and pluots