It’s Time to Fetch Your April Wine Selections

Come and get ‘em, kids. . .your April wines are boxed up, invoiced and ready to go at Carpe Vino, your neighborhood Four-Star restaurant (more about our SacBee review in Window On Old Town tomorrow).

Somebody’s got to do it, and Drew has stepped up to the task of seeking out another killer line up of beautiful wines from across California and around the globe.  A couple of his favorite wineries are making a return appearance and he’s got a killer Spanish tinto that you just might want to start bringing home by the case.

Chef Alexander is hard at work creating the menu for his next prix-fixe tour de force:  the theme for this month is “April in Paris.”  Oh mon dieu, I can’t wait until April 22 rolls around for the first night of event.

You don’t have to wait until then to come and join us for a glass of wine or a two-hour stint in the dining room.  We hope to see you soon!

