Our Site is Vaccinated Against Heartbleed Virus

images.151340What is being touted as an Ebola-like virus for high security networks—the Heartbleed Virus—has left everyone on edge, especially after the widely reported attack on Target customers who used their credit cards for purchases.  Since Carpe Vino operates its own commercial web site, we were concerned. . .especially after a client emailed, alerting that an online “Heartbleed test” revealed we might be at risk.  As it turns out, our web guru was already on the case and we’re golden.  While we do retain client credit card numbers for Wine Club members, we do not keep numbers received in e-store transactions.

Bottom line is we’re small potatoes, and attacks are typically waged against the big boys.  In any event, we’re using every available technique and strategy to safeguard all client information. . .and we never share anything with outsiders.