Your Vote Counts in Selecting Next Prix-fixe Theme
After considerable deliberation among Carpe Vino’s management staff (Gary, Drew and Eric), we have winnowed more than 100 suggestions from the faithful to just three finalists for the August prix-fixe theme contest. Now it’s up to you to make the final decision by clicking here to select one of these ideas:
1. Along the Silk Road
2. Hot August Nights
3. My Big Fat Greek Island Tour
You will be transported to Survey Monkey, where you may vote just one time (no attempts at ballot box stuffing, please). By voting you will automatically be eligible to win a $50 restaurant-only gift card. Voting ends at midnight on July 21; the winner will be announced in the July 22 issue of Window on Old Town.
Just to recap what is at stake here, the winning entry receives dinner for four and two bottles of wine (that Drew selects) during next month’s prix-fixe week, August 19 to 24. A couple of clarifications: with two of the finalists, similar themes were presented, so with one, we selected the best-articulated idea; for the other, because two identical suggestions were submitted, we will split the prize if it is the winner.
We received some very interesting entries that didn’t make the cut: The Donner Dinner Party would pay tribute to the famous group of pioneers that failed to make it over the summit. Menu suggestions were ribs, a head of cauliflower (to simulate a brain) and ladyfingers for dessert. Oh my. Seven Deadly Sins was pretty cool, too, but the menu consists of 10 dishes, so it didn’t make the finals.
The two cutest entries: Bridge Over Truffled Waters and Oh My Gourd. One entry obviously pandered to two of the judges: A Taste of Chicago.
Our thanks to everyone who took the time to send in their ideas. Now it is up to our legion of customers to pick the winner. . .so head to your polling place right now!